With the acceptance of the amendments regarding the Old Age and Survivors’ Insurance (OASI), the VAT rates will also change. You will find information on the increase in the reference…

How Julia Helbling, our trainee, deals with the Corona situation
Corona – a situation which was never there before.
In my opinion the crises around the SARS COVID-19 will change the whole economy and our private life forever.
After my Matura-Graduation, I started my internship in November 2019 at Ferax Treuhand AG. I was looking forward to all the new challenges, working in a team, visiting our clients and to all the new things I will learn.
With the beginning of the busy-season, the Corona Virus became more and more present in the media. Due the fact, that the Virus was initially only in China, far away from us, were not too much thought given to. From one moment to another, the virus spread all over the world.
Because of the emergency situation we were suddenly forced to work at home. Nobody knew how long it would take to be back in the office and when the emergency situation will end. Fortunately, it wasn’t a big problem for us not to be in the office because almost everything that we need is already digital. It was important, that our work and the cooperation with our clients could continue without any interruption.
For me it was a really special but also interesting situation to work at home. I had my own little office at home. I never had the feeling that I’m alone. The communication in the team was always good. I had many possibilities to contact the others for help or just to ask something. In the beginning the workload was good but with the end of the busy-season and the continuing lockdown it became less and less.
In my opinion the main negative aspect is, that you don’t have any social contacts. On the other hand, I really like the silence around me when I work at home. I think we all have to make sacrifices and learn how to deal with this situation. Because extraordinary situations call for extraordinary measures.
Ferax Treuhand AG
Julia Helbing
In my opinion the crises around the SARS COVID-19 will change the whole economy and our private life forever.
After my Matura-Graduation, I started my internship in November 2019 at Ferax Treuhand AG. I was looking forward to all the new challenges, working in a team, visiting our clients and to all the new things I will learn.
With the beginning of the busy-season, the Corona Virus became more and more present in the media. Due the fact, that the Virus was initially only in China, far away from us, were not too much thought given to. From one moment to another, the virus spread all over the world.
Because of the emergency situation we were suddenly forced to work at home. Nobody knew how long it would take to be back in the office and when the emergency situation will end. Fortunately, it wasn’t a big problem for us not to be in the office because almost everything that we need is already digital. It was important, that our work and the cooperation with our clients could continue without any interruption.
For me it was a really special but also interesting situation to work at home. I had my own little office at home. I never had the feeling that I’m alone. The communication in the team was always good. I had many possibilities to contact the others for help or just to ask something. In the beginning the workload was good but with the end of the busy-season and the continuing lockdown it became less and less.
In my opinion the main negative aspect is, that you don’t have any social contacts. On the other hand, I really like the silence around me when I work at home. I think we all have to make sacrifices and learn how to deal with this situation. Because extraordinary situations call for extraordinary measures.
Ferax Treuhand AG
Julia Helbing